HP Primeの電卓言語はPascalっぽい独自のものの様で、基本は39gIIのものみたいです。既に、つぎの所にシミュレータ向けのサンプルコードが掲示されていました。
HP PRIME GRAPHING CALCULATOR - Technical data and performance comparison with others.
Mandelbrot集合グラフィクスのコード。 Miguel Angel Caporalini 氏・作
iteration(c, bailoutValue, maxIter) BEGIN LOCAL iter := 0; LOCAL z := (0,0); WHILE (ABS(z) <= bailoutValue) AND (iter < maxIter) DO z := z*z+c; iter := iter+1; END; RETURN iter; END; LSclr(Ndx) BEGIN Ndx := ROUND(Ndx*186,0); IF Ndx < 31 THEN RETURN 0+ 1*Ndx; END; IF Ndx < 62 THEN RETURN 31+ 32*(Ndx-31); END; IF Ndx < 93 THEN RETURN 1023- 1*(Ndx-62); END; IF Ndx < 124 THEN RETURN 992+ 1024*(Ndx-93); END; IF Ndx < 155 THEN RETURN 32736- 32*(Ndx-124); END; IF Ndx < 186 THEN RETURN 31744+ 1*(Ndx-155); END; RETURN 31775; END; colorize(itVal, maxIt) BEGIN IF itVal==maxIt THEN // We are inside the Mandelbrot map // Then the pixel is drawn in black RETURN 0; ELSE RETURN LSclr(itVal/maxIt); END; END; EXPORT Mandelbrot() BEGIN // Clean the screen (G0):RECT(); LOCAL dx, dy, c, xp, yp; LOCAL iter, color; // These 4 variables defined // Our window of the complex plane LOCAL xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; LOCAL maxIterations := 50; LOCAL maxRadius := 2; // Location // Radio width to height should be 4:3 xmin := -2.5; xmax := 1.5; ymin := -1.5; ymax := 1.5; // Other parameters better: //xmin := 0.315625; //xmax := 0.515625; //ymin := 0.28125; //ymax := 0.43125; dx := (xmax-xmin)/320; dy := (ymax-ymin)/240; c := (xmin,ymin); // we loop over each pixel // Of the screen wil Prime: FOR yp FROM 0 TO 239 DO FOR xp FROM 0 TO 319 DO // Create the complex number c // We need for iteration: c := (xmin+xp*dx, ymax-yp*dy); // Now iterate the formula and // Return the number of iteration steps // That was taken up // That the complex number jump out // The radius of convergence: iter := iteration(c, maxRadius, maxIterations); // Determines a color for the iteration number: color := colorize(iter, maxIterations); // Change color to that pixel: PIXON_P(xp, yp, color); END; END; // deja la imagen en la pantalla // hasta que se presiona una tecla: REPEAT UNTIL GETKEY() == -1; FREEZE; END;
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